Livefire On-Demand Content Update Q1 2022

All Livefire Alumni …. we’ve released some of our content from last year as on-demand content that you can now access. Details of these can be found below, and for a full list of all our content is available from the on-demand menu item. Intrinsic Security Livefire: A New Approach on Protecting the Enterprise VCF

Livefire On-Demand Content Update Q1 2022 Read More »

Virtual Trainer Beta Results (and we are award winners)

For those of you unfamiliar with micro-learning, the principle is that our attention spans drop off quite significantly when we are watching online training after about 6-8 mins. So this is why most e-learning content is broken up into 6-8 mins chunks. However, there are inherent limitations with this approach. Firstly context, when you are

Virtual Trainer Beta Results (and we are award winners) Read More »