VMware Multi-Cloud and Modern Apps Livefire Desktop

For the last couple years, Livefire has provided an Ubuntu based Horizon Desktop to attendees of our Multi-Cloud and Modern Applications courses. It has evolved from a 100% manually built Ubuntu 18.04 LTS desktop to a 90% automated build of Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS. The Ubuntu desktop build is customized with many applications and utilities that are complimentary to working with VMware’s Tanzu portfolio of products, or anyone working with Kubernetes in general.

We have received consistent requests for a copy of the desktop used during class ever since it was introduced. Now that the desktop is in a reproducible state, Burke has created a GitHub Repo with the necessary files and scripts to build what is shown in this embedded Tour video.

Here are some of the many tools included in the desktop build:
oh-my-zsh + PowerLevel10K prompt, terminator, conky, pam_mount, cifs and nfs tools, tmux, shellcheck, sshfs, colorls, bat, exa, Burke’s terminal-banners
sshto, yq, openjdk, brew, flatpak, PowerShell, PowerCLI, GitHub CLI, AWS cli, xrdp (c-nergy.be script -with audio supported)
Hashicorp tools: packer, vagrant, vault, terraform, nomad, consul
kubectl, kubecolor, kubens, kubectx, mergekube, remkube, Docker Engine, kind, k9s, istioctl, krew, tilt, minio client, flux, velero
Visual Studio Code, postman, variety, 1Password, Nextcloud Client, Skype, Shutter, DrawIO, LibreOffice, VLC, OBS, Slack, Zoom, GIMP, OpenLens

Dark Mode

vmware-livefire-desktop (this link opens in a new window) by burkeazbill (this link opens in a new window)

Ubuntu Desktop used in the VMware Livefire Modern Apps and Multi-Cloud training environment.

Burke Azbill on GithubBurke Azbill on LinkedinBurke Azbill on TwitterBurke Azbill on WordpressBurke Azbill on Youtube
Burke Azbill
Client Services Consultant at VMware by Broadcom
Burke has been a technology professional since 1996 and has held certifications from Cisco, Citrix, ITIL, Linux Professional Institute, Microsoft, Novell, and VMware. He joined VMware in 2007 as part of the acquisition of Dunes Technologies from Lausanne, Switzerland where he had begun his work with Orchestrator. Burke is founder and contributor of the blog VCOTeam as well as a leading contributor to the VMTN Communities for Orchestrator. He has been recognized by the community as a vExpert since 2010. During his tenure at VMware, Burke co-created the Orchestrator Master’s Training program, has trained hundreds of employees on Orchestrator, built many integrations for customers and partners, and has worked various roles in the VMworld Hands On Labs. He has also been a member, and technical lead, of the SDDC Livefire program, building content, labs, and vPods for the program. Publications include contributing author for “VMware vCloud Architecture Toolkit (vCAT)” (VMware Press 2013) and technical resource for "VMware vRealize Orchestrator Cookbook - Second Edition," "VMware vRealize Orchestrator Cookbook," and “VMware vRealize Orchestrator Essentials” (Packt Publishing 2015), “Automating vSphere with VMware vCenter Orchestrator” (VMware Press 2012), and “VMware vSphere for Dummies” (For Dummies 2011).

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