On-Demand Livefire

A frequent request from Livefire Attendees is how they can access some of our content post delivery. To address this, the team has begun to create on-demand material which you can access for free within the VMware Customer Connect Learning, VMware myLearn and other online video platforms. If you’ve never used VMware Customer Connect Learning (formerly VMware Learning Zone) you can sign up for a free subscription, through which you can access our content. To access our content please click on the content titles below.

Content linked here is only of the lecture portion of our offerings. There are no labs or workshops associated with them or available outside of a live session.  You will find in some of the Virtual Trainer content below, PDFs as modules; our goal is to shift that content to the VT delivery method when/where possible.

Listening to a recording does not constitute credit for attendance or a badge.


Course/Content Title



iSIMs are guided point and click labs, that give you an initial overview/walk-through of a product or solution. The iSIMs are not an exact replica of the labs we deliver during our sessions, but focus on some key areas, for more in depth hands on register for one of our live VLS.

Course/Content Title

iSIM Link

Lab Manual Link