Survey Privacy Policy

As part of your attendance of a Livefire session, or participation in any of our pilot/beta programs, you may be asked to complete a survey. Survey’s are one of the many tools we utilize to gather feedback on the effectiveness of the Livefire offerings, helps us improve customer satisfaction, and better align with our Partner Community’s needs.

Your participation in the survey is voluntary, and your answers will NOT be shared outside of VMware, and will be exclusively used by the VMware Livefire Team.

We will ask a number of questions in the survey about the Livefire offering you have attended, or the solution you are evaluating. These will consist of a number of rating, or scoring based questions. You may be asked to provide your email address in the survey to be able to contact you for follow up if needed.

All information captured in the survey will NOT be used for any other purposes. All responses will be stored securely and deleted 90 days after completion of the survey. The information you provide to VMware will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Notices.

If you have any questions or change your mind, contact the Livefire Team via: [email protected].