All Livefire events are by invitation only. To register for a session, please engage with your respective regional Technical Enablement Manager or Partner Business Manager to be invited to an upcoming session. If you are unsure who that contact is we can connect you, and for all other inquiries please email [email protected].
  • Please note this calendar is not real time and  is updated weekly on Mondays.

Technical Deep Dive Livefire: NSX Design & Advanced Security

The course was excellent and well presented by Karel Novak. I found the course material and labs easy to follow although there was a lot go get through in one day. The remote nature of the training worked really well with good use of tools to enable an immersive experience.

VCF Livefire

The Livefire team is always prepared, knowledgeable and ready to answer just about every question possible. They are always in sync, professional and assist all of the students in a timely manner. These classes are extremely helpful for our Partner Organization and for their Enablement into the Knight Program. We appreciate the time you take to put all of this content together. Great job again Team.

VCF Livefire

Loved the sessions – especially due to the knowledge, their ability to explain complex topics and the efforts put in by every single instructor who went out of their way to ensure that they supported the participants.

Technical Deep Dive

“The Livefire was of the right duration, the time between classes and labs is very good. This Livefire really allows you to deepen your knowledge of the different products, and the trainer’s expertise makes it easy to understand the elements.”

VCF Livefire

“The only way to improve these classes, is to continue to do more! As stated earlier, these are extremely valuable to the field, especially now in times of uncertainty and shift in the Consumption models, SKUs, etc. Please keep funding these sessions for the value of the VMware by Broadcom Field, Partners and Customers!”

VCF Livefire

“Great delivery by the Livefire team! I appreciated that the lectures included dynamic discussions with the latest product information and tie-in to VMware strategy. I can tell the team went to great lengths to prepare the labs. This effort is recognized.”

VCF Livefire

“Great training! Highly motivated team! Really like the open conversations and the tiny but important bits of knowledge shared outside of the official slide deck! Livefire is simply great. Would like to see this much more frequently. To me, Livefire is more valuable than any regular education class.”

VCF Livefire

“Great delivery by the Livefire team! I appreciate that the lectures included dynamic discussions with the latest product information and tie-in to VMware strategy. I can tell the team went to great lengths to prepare the labs. This effort is recognized.”